Massage available by appointment only:

Friday during Summer:  7:00 am - 8:00 pm

Friday during School Year:  4:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Saturday:  9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Clay Experience

I have been working with clay for the past 40 years and would love to help you create and explore your talents!

Must call 425-521-7963 to schedule your clay experience.

My Clay Studio is located at:

 828 131st Ave NE, Lake Stevens, WA 

Just minutes from downtown Lake Stevens!

Learn to hand build and throw on the wheel!

Mini Session - $240 + $30/person

This is a 2-4 person private class across two 2-hour sessions.  1st session consists of creating items with clay.  2nd session consists of glazing your wares.  

These two sessions will be scheduled 1-2 weeks apart with your final product available for pickup shortly after your last class.

*Materials are NOT included in the listed price. Materials per person cost $20 which includes up to 5 lbs of clay, glaze and the two firings. Additional materials may be purchased during sessions.

Clay 101 - $480 + $40/person

This is a 2-4 person private 4 2-hour session class that will be scheduled across 2-4 weeks based on availability.  You will learn basic clay techniques that focuses on hand building, wheel throwing, trimming and glazing.  

 *Materials are NOT included in the listed price. Materials per person cost $40 which includes up to 15 lbs of clay, glaze and the all firings.  Additional materials may be purchased during sessions.

For more information, visit

Prices are subject to change without notice.